Okay, here we go. Let's give this blogging a try.
As you can see by the picture of my blog, we live on top of a hill, that also houses a putting green. Not the cheapest hobby to have with all the upkeep, but lots of fun in the summer.
There is hardly ever a weekend where there aren't a few people up here putting around golf balls.
On the weekend closest to July 4th we even have an actual tournament called the Apple Hill Open, after my hsuaband and his partneres company.
This year we held the 5th annual open. I could'nt find a good picture from this year, so I included one from last year.
Things get pretty crazy around here that weekend. between setting up the day before and tearing down the after, it turns into quite the long weekend.

The golf tournament itself starts at 10 am and usually runs until 6pm.
After that we've started also having a Texas hold'em tournament which runs into the early morning hours.
Here are a couple more pictures from this years event.