Rain, rain go away

And here is one of Babe and him together when they first moved in.

Kind of feeling blah today too. It's been raining all day so far and I feel tired and annoyed.
Need to get the barn done so my horse has a clean stall to come into tonight.
Speaking of my horse. I love the guy, but lately have been having a hard time to get the motivation to go do something with him. He's 26 years old and pretty much retired.
He lives in a "castle" that my husband and his business partner built for me and my neighbor.

Both of our horses moved in there in the fall of 2002.
Unfortunately her horse passed away in the spring, so only my horse is living there now.
I keep playing with the idea of leasing him out or sending him somewhere to become a companion horse. Well, Brent overheard me the other day and got very upset.
I think he still misses Babe, my neighbors horse and doesn't quite understand the difference of Quinn living somewhere else and Babe passing away.
Needless to say, I'm pretty torn of what to do with him.
I just keep thinking that it won't be much fun having to dress the kids 2-3 times a day to go to the barn and take care of him.
Here is a picture of him.
And here is one of Babe and him together when they first moved in.

Wow, that is a tough choice you're having to make. How long have your had him?
What a pretty barn!
Have you decided what to do with him? I sold my horse as a companion horse when I moved from my parents' and no longer had the time or place to care for him.
He's 33 now and has a good life getting fat and sassy on good grass on a horse farm in the eastern part of the state. I have visitation privileges but I haven't seen him in over a year...
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