Dylan's 1st Birthday Party

It was a long day yesterday, but so well worth it.
Everybody had lots of fun.
First off, let me say a big thank you to my best friend Jeni who came over at about lunch time to help me set up for the bash. Don't know what I would have done without her.
Here she is with her son Zach, who decided it would be fun to run the cozy coupe off the putting green. Very dangerous if you ask me, but then again he is 3 :)
We played a few games througout the day, including musical hula hoops.
The kids had loads of fun bouncing around the backyard trying to be the first in an empty hula hoop when the music stopped.
Then it was pinata time. Talk about some kids that can hit...it only took everybody hitting once to get the pinata busted up.
Even Dylan had a turn and as I was the one taking pictures it was Aunt Jean that helped him out.
Everybody got playing in the sandpile after that. I have never seen soo much sand on any one child. Not sure the parents were too excited, but the kids had a blast building forts, making tunnels and of course adding water to make mud waterfalls.
Then it was present time. Dylan got a lot of dumptrucks, which of course he loves. He also got some books and several other toys. I still think the paper was his favorite again though.
Dinner was served at 6:30. It was quite the feast.
Chicken legs, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Pasta and Potato Salad, Corn Salad and Beans.
I had to make everything yesterday, as I woke up with muscle spasms in my back the day before and ended up at the doctors who prescribed an anti-infamatory and a muscle relaxant.
It all got done and everybody enjoyed it.
The best part of the party was the cake of course.
Dylan loved it. He had everybody in stiches when he would smush the cake into his face and then shake it off.
He just love that everybody was laughing at him.
I can't believe my little boy is 1.
And no..he did not learn to walk by his first birthday as my husband predicted.
That last photo has him looking really grown up all of a sudden Andrea! My goodness!
Looks like a fun time! (And I must have this "Corn Salad" recipe!)
Sorry, I posted that twice by accident.
Looks like a really fun party. Dylan is looking very grown up all of a sudden. He doesn't look like a baby any more. And don't worry, Layla is still not walking.
Happy birthday again. It looks like a lot of fun for everyone.
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