Thursday, September 04, 2008


Brent has his first day at Kindergarten today.
He was so excited to get on the bus this morning.
After getting him on the us I had to sit in the car for a little while and relax.
I can't even believe my "baby" is old enough for Kindergarten.

I followed him to school so I could get a few pictures with him coming off the bus.

When the bus got there he was already heavy in conversation with some of his Kindergarten Friends :)

I think he'll do well.


Stacy said...

He looks so excited! I hope he had a great first day!

Briana said...

Hope he had a great day.

Anonymous said...

Yay, Brent! I bet you are loving Kindergarten...I know Nicky sure is!

Sumita said...

Glad to hear it started well and that you like his teacher.